Start Something That Matters by David Bowden

Lyrics of Start Something that Matters

by David Bowden

There is a box suppressed deep in our chests
Where forgotten dreams and consuming passions are laid to rest
This wooden crate is packed tight with
Crumpled sketches on coffee stained napkins
Brilliant ideas from an enlightening conversation
A painted canvas full of life and imperfections
Notebooks spilling with business plans, poems, and powerful intentions

We’ve all heard about the bottom billion
How 72 million children can’t attend school
How 22,000 of them die daily from poverty’s rule
How HIV, Malaria, and Diarrhea are preventable even treatable
How we have the tools
Yet millions still suffer and die because what they’re missing is me
What they’re missing is you
What the world is missing is what you have always longed to do
To provide water, clothing, shelter, shoes
And to do so following your boxed in muse

So I invite you
To unpack your crate
Find your spark light your fuse
And start something
That the world can truly use
Then when your box is empty
And your tools are in hand
Flip your box upside down
to use it as your voices’ stand
Shout your dreams, wave your banners
Plant a seed, pen tomorrow’s chapter

I say to you standers
You box top dancers
Paint all you painters
Paint something that captures
Write all you writers
Write something that answers
Build all you builders
Build something that shelters
And start all you starters
Start something that matters


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